- Take a road trip ✔ - Went to Redding to visit the boyfriend's grandparents.
- Print out pictures ✔ - Done, but I want to print more
- Finish photo album
- Feed the homeless ✔ - Again? :]
- Buy a car ✔
- Transfer colleges
- Work on my relationship with my mother
- Put clothes away as soon as they come out of the dryer - I have been really good at this, actually
- Learn to cook something...besides spaghetti and tacos
- Learn to play the guitar - Boyfriend has been teaching me
- Read for fun again ✔ - Finished Narnia!
- Allow myself to be in more photographs
- Be on the internet less - I'm really not on the internet nearly as much as I used to be.
- Spend more time with cousins
- Fit into jeans of a smaller size
- Go on an unplanned adventure
- Paint something ✔ - Painting class!
- Be more creative ✔ - Art classes have gottn me creative, but there's always room for improvement
- Keep my faith growing
Edited 09.09.12

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