Sunday, May 20, 2012

At The Moment

Feeling: Sleepy. It's like midnight and I'm still awake waiting for the boyfriend to call me. Starting to feel a little lonely, but I'll get over that soon enough. 
Wishing: He never had to leave me.  
Reading:  Chronicles of Narnia: The Magician's Nephew...still. I've been reading this book for like a month! Hopefully now that I don't have school (and almost no work) I can get back into reading and doing stuff that I actually enjoy!
Watching: Star Wars! I have never seen it before, but I spent the day after work watching Episodes I and II with the boyfriend and his father. I bought the whole set on Bluray for SIX DOLLARS!
Playing: Draw Something.  I haven't played much lately, but I just spent a good half hour catching up on the games I've been putting off.
Excited For: The last day of work! Summer! I'll be going to Ohio in June to visit my parents and I CANNOT wait. I will miss the boyfriend terribly though. It's going to be tough being away from him for so long.
Looking Forward To: Friday, My Birthday I'm turning TWENTY! Going to have a barbecue with the family and hopefully going to the beach before I go to Ohio.

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