Monday, September 3, 2012

What I've Been Up To - week 36

Monday: School started! Hike up the hill my campus is built on. Black and White Photography class. Our professor had us walk around blind folded for half an hour. It was pretty interesting. I have a five hour break in between my classes on Mondays and Wednesdays, so I went home. Then the boyfriend and I went to the gym. Go back to school and hike up the hill again for Painting class.
Tuesday: Michael's to get some art supplies needed for Thursday. 2D Design class. Descriptive Drawing class. Syllabus and rules crap. First day stuff. Then I went to Michael's AGAIN because I needed more things and I got out of class early, so they weren't closed yet.
Wednesday: Black and White Photography. We made pinhole cameras and learned how to use the darkroom. My pictures were overexposed. EVERYSINGLETIME. Gym during the 5 hour break. Painting.
Thursday: 2D Design. We started a few assignments, but I didn't have most of the supplies because my mail didn't come before class started! Luckily, my friend let me borrow his.  Descriptive Drawing, where we spent like three hours drawing a sphere, roll of paper towels and a cardboard box.
Friday: Lazy day and homework. I finished one of my 2D Design assignments. Then the boyfriend and I watched Tarzan, curled up under blankets on his couch. Oddly, it was a pretty cold day.
Saturday: So I had planned to go to this Hot Air Balloon Festival. Then I realized that it ended at noon and there was NO WAY I was driving for an hour to go to something that I wouldn't even see because the boyfriend doesn't wake up until like 1pm due to his night job. Instead, I decided to find a different Hot Air Balloon Festival at a later date and we sat around and watched TV all day with the boyfriend's father.
Sunday: Church. Bought art supplies. Watched Super 8, Talladega Nights, and other random things. I was going to finish Narnia, but I forgot it at home.

Really, I did absolutely nothing this week except for go to school and sleep.  I was so stressed out over not being able to get my supplies in time that everything just seemed hectic and yeah. I didn't do much at all.  Things will get better as I get used to my crazy schedule!
Next Week's To Do List
  • No School on Monday! 
  • Hike up hills
  • Take pictures at school
  • Movie Theater  - The Words. Possibly.

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